Dufferin Mall Shop Crawl | Swag Bag

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Earlier this month I had the pleasure to attend Chick Advisor's Dufferin Mall Shop Crawl!  For a more detailed review of the actual event, check out my post about it here.  Today I am excited to share a review of their (fantastic) swag bag!  Valued at about $170 this bag features everything...

Too Faced | Love Flush Long-Lasting 16 Hour Blush*

Monday, 19 October 2015

p.s. Today is Election Day here in Canada.  So, if you haven't already voted go do it!  Your boss must permit you 3 hours off (if needed) in order for you to get to the polls.  So really, no excuses!  Not sure who to vote for?  Make sure you read multiple news papers for a balanced perspective,...

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream | Morocco, Istanbul, Athens & Addis Ababa

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Sometimes you find a great drug store product that makes you fall instantly in love.  Other times you find a product that stirs up such a sense of wanderlust that you simply need to buy every colour named after a place you long to go.  And, every once in a while you find a product that fits both...

Dufferin Mall Shop Crawl | Part 1

Friday, 16 October 2015

On Thursday night I had the opportunity to attend the #DufferinMallShopCrawl put on by the lovely ladies at Chick Advisor.  Because talking about their (amazing) swag bag and my (amazing) haul would be way too much for one post I have decided to split it up.  Today I am talking about my experience and...

Christmas Gifts | Volume 1

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Taken at the Distillery District Christmas Market 2013 There are only seven more Fridays until Christmas!  Where did the year go?  Wasn't it *just* Christmas?  Funny how as a kid you can't wait to see what you get for Christmas, but as an adult you can't wait to give?  Well clearly I...

IPSY | September 2015

Sunday, 11 October 2015

This month my IPSY bag came in a pretty warm brown textured bag.  This is one of the more subtle bags I have received, and I think it is spot-on for fall.  I love that this one matches my fall scarves and coats-- It will be getting some use over the next few months!  This month I was pleased...

Introducing the Beauty Department at H & M*

Friday, 9 October 2015

When I first heard that H & M was totally re-vamping their beauty line up I was pretty interested.  H & M is in the fast fashion industry, which means they produce things cheap, and they produce them fast.  When trends change, H & M can turn on a dime.  In the beauty world this...

My Scent Memory | Mr. Bubble Cologne Spray by the Demeter Fragrance Library*

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Recently I received this delightful scent as a part of the Canadian Beauty Bloggers Network.  The challenge?  Review this product, and post about a scent memory that I associate with it.  You mean I get to smell bubbles and have test it by spraying it around? OKA...

Best Bite Rewind | Christmas Set

Monday, 5 October 2015

This set appears to be out of stock on Sephora's Canadian website, however check back often because you never know! For the last few Christmases Bite has released a set of four minis in a little tin.  I passed on last season's set because it was too similar to the year before, however this year each...