Finish 5 By Fall Challenge

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


I was just challenged by Angela of Raincouver Beauty to participate in her "Finish 5 by Fall" Challenge.  I never say no to a challenge that helps me be more accountable in finishing off products, so of course I said yes!

Her guidelines were as follows:

1. Pick 5 items (extras are okay) that you want to try to use up
2. You have until the first day of fall- September 23, 2015 to make as much progress as you can
3. Make an update post about halfway through (optional) and a final reveal on September 23!
4. I'll be using #cbbfinish5 to track my progress, and I'd love for you to use the same!
5. Good luck and have fun! Hope you'll rediscover favorites or just clean out some space in your collection ;)

My goal is to use up my Honeymania Bath Melt, Bumble and Bumble Invisible Hairdresser's Oil Primer, a Lush solid scrub, a Julep hand scrub, and a toner.

I have a fair bit of bath supplies and would like to clear some space in my bathroom.  As for the scrubs?  Same deal.  It doesn't hurt that I have three back up Julep hand scrubs (thank you mystery boxes!) and could use the space in my storage drawers.  Toner isnt really a part of my regular skin care routine, and I don't find it makes much of a difference, but I don't want to throw it yeah.  Finally, I have so many hair products, and I always manage to use up some but not all.  I need the space back, so I need to focus on finishing them off, one at a time.

I am looking forward to interacting with these ladies over the course of the summer, and to slowly but surely finishing off products that I just have too many of!

Check out the other ladies who are participating:

Angela of Raincouver Beauty

Holly from Holly's Housewife Life

Chelsea from Olive & Ivy

Sandra from Sandie's Stash

Samantha from Beautiful Free and Wonderful

Maria from Pink Petals

And more:

Good luck ladies!


  1. Good choices! I've never used any of these actually! The bumble and bumble sounds interesting though! Good luck!

    1. I LOVE the Bumble and Bumble-- after I shower I love to spritz it through my hail to help it dry frizz free. My bigger problem is that I have like 5 products that do the same thing, and rather than finish one at a time I use a different one every day, and my hair basket is totally cluttered!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've never used any products from bumble & bumble-- looking forward to your review of these products.
    I used to use toner all the time (Avon special! lol) but then I guess I got lazy and crossed it out of my beauty regime... I should probably add it back in, eventually!

    Good luck!

    1. Thanks! Bumble and Bumble is wonderful! And haahahah that is sort of how I feel about toner. I should use it...but...

  4. Yay yay yay!!
    I'm excited to see your final tally! :))

    I find the same thing about toner, I never know if it's actually doing anything. I should've added a toner to my list!

    1. Thank you! I have a *huge* empties post in the works for sometime next week, so let's just say I have made some great progress! And I LOVE that I am not the only one with mixed feelings about toner!

  5. I'm totally with you on the toner thing.. I feel like if anything, it's just drying out my skin haha. Excited to see how you do! I'm gonna try to get my post up tomorrow!

    1. I love that literally every comment on this post is a mixed review of toner. Can't wait! Post the link here so I can check it out :)

  6. Ouu nice, not a make up product in sight!

    I only use toner when my face is feeling oily before bed. I feel liquid lotions/moiturizers are useless, because I know I'm going to add an actual moisturizer on top anyways.

    1. I am not even going to attempt to finish a whole beauty product this summer. Lolololol and finally! A good use for toner.

  7. I used to never use toners but i love it now! Especially if my cleanser leaves me feeling a bit oily or i have small bits of makeup under my eye, using a cotton pad with toner helps to remove everything!

    Good luck with your items! :D
    Raincouver Beauty

    1. Thanks!! Good luck to you too :) Maybe I will try doing that to use it up. Hahahah

  8. Once you are through with those products I have some great ideas for new ones!

  9. This is a neat challenge! I need to start doing something like this! Victoria Ess
