Honey by Marc Jacobs

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Sephora 500 Point Gift

Photo Credit: Maple Lead Beauty
As I am sure you know, every dollar spent at Sephora equals one point. Often the 500 point gifts seem unattainable, but are more than worth it to save up for.

Disclaimer: I actually got this 500 point gift for free because I was not notified of a Sephora VIB Rouge  event.  When I asked the nice lady at the cash to add me to the list, she gave me this, and a few other pieces of swag to make up for it.  #win
Photo Credit: Maple Leaf Beauty
The gift comes with a mini roller ball, deluxe sized body lotion sample, and a small pouch.

Honey is a nice, soft, sweet scent that is great for daily wear.  I think the best way I can describe it is that it is a happy scent.

Side note: Have you noticed how trendy honey is right now?  Go check out the Body Shop.


0.1 ounce roller ball: $12.50 (Based on $30 for the full sized 0.24 roller ball 
1 ounce lotion: $5.20 (Based on $26 for  the full sized 5 ounce lotion)
An arbitrary $5 for the pouch?


Sounds good to me!

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