Skincare From the Inside & Out | Dermalogica Overnight Retinol Repair + Juicing*

Sunday, 5 July 2015


Earlier last month I had the opportunity to attend an event with Dermalogica.  The focus of the event was talking about the importance of the ingredients that you put on your skin, but also of the ingredients you put in your body.  It really was about skincare from the inside out!

fruit for a party

When I arrived I was greeted by mason jars filled with veggies and beautiful fruit on sticks.  How cute is that?  I'll have to keep that in mind for next time I have guests over this summer.

Dermalogica overnight retinol repair

After everybody arrived and had a chance to chat we were asked to take our seats.  I was feeling a little bit awkward until I started talking to Rachelle from Make Up Your Mind.  I ended up sitting with her and her friend, which was nice.  It was great to get to know another member of CBB face to face rather than through Twitter!

At our seats there was a product for us to test, some beautiful flowers, and lemons and limes in jars.

Dermalogica overnight retinol repair

A rep from Dermalogica explained the process behind the product.  She explained how this product is packed with retinol (the purest form of vitamin A short of prescription skincare), vitamin C and peptides, and how together they boost collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  While I am happy to say that I currently don't have either of those, I know they will come.  I've always felt that the best way to fight wrinkles is to prevent them from even showing up.

What makes Dermalogica's Overnight Retinol Repair ($110) unique is that it is a two part system.  During the presentation we were warned of the dangers of overusing retinol as it can burn skin that has not built up a tolerance.  To help combat this, Overnight Retinol Repair comes with a buffing cream which contains moisturizing and soothing properties (such as aloe) to help protect the skin.  When you first use Overnight Retinol Repair you are to use three dots of the buffing cream and one dot of the retinol.  After a few weeks, once your skin has built up some tolerance you can switch to a 2-1 ratio and eventually to a 1-1 ratio.  

I was really interested to learn about the dangers of retinol, as I generally do not use skincare that is this strong.  I thought the rep did a great job of explaining how to properly and effectively use this product.  As the name suggests, this product is best used at night, as that is when your skin has a chance to rest and repair.

greenhouse juice company

After we were done learning about skincare from the outside, we had an opportunity to learn about skincare from the inside.  Greenhouse Juice Co was there to teach us all about cold-pressed juicing.  

greenhouse juice co samples

We had the opportunity to sip samples of some of their best selling mixes.  The taste took some getting use to on my end, as normally when I have juice is it chock full of sugar from the grocery isle.  These tasted fresher, but some of them were more of an acquired taste.  I also found them quite filling, which was interesting. I think my favourite of the ones we tried was "Rabbit, Run".  It was sweet (carrot and apple) but with a kick (ginger).  

greenhouse juice co

Next, they brought around bottles of single juices.  How weird looking is that celery juice?  Or the cucumber?

greenhouse juice co samples

That little bottle of ginger sure packs a kick!

making my own cold-pressed juice

We then were given our own little juice bottles and told to mix to our hearts content.  I created a juice with cucumber, apple, pineapple, kale, and ginger.  It was sweet, but very refreshing!  I added the kale to be trendy and healthy, but the pineapple totally masked the flavour (win!).

greenhouse juice co samples

My masterpiece!

greenhouse juice co samples

The rep came back with a second jar so I had a chance to make a juice for my boyfriend.  He wasn't feeling well, so I mixed beets, apple, carrot, ginger, kale and romaine together for him.  I don't think that mix has any special healing properties, but it sure is healthy!  I thought it tasted good, but he thought it tasted like feet.  

At the end of the event each guest was given a product to take home and continue to use. I have been using it (carefully!) and have noticed a slight brightening effect.  I am eager to keep on using it because I never say no to an opportunity to maintain my healthy skin and ward off wrinkles!  I can't wait to try more products from this brand and to share them with you.  I've even taken up a light version of juicing where I squeeze two grapefruits in the evening so I have a fresh cup of grapefruit juice every morning!

I would love to see Green House Juice Co offer a chance for customers to make their own juice, perhaps through paid workshops.  I had so much fun mixing and testing and tasting my way to a healthy, unique, yummy juice and I am sure others would too!

Have you ever tried juicing?  What skincare works for you?

*PR sample, obviously! :)