INSANE Sephora Points Gifts

Monday 4 August 2014

Sephora emailed me this morning to remind me that this week is 4x the points.  Not that I needed reminding!  They also let me know that they have some insane points gifts right now!  Check them out.

Not bad, but personal shopping and make-up application are free anyways as a Rouge.

I love the case, but I am not in love with the Sephora brand enough to forgo 50 deluxe samples.

So...this is prettttttty tempting.  Effectively you get two free 500 point gifts.  If there was a way to pay for this like a subscription service I wold be so down.  However, there is no way you can pick which gifts you get.  Lately I have been loving the 100 point gifts more than the 500 point gifts, and I don't want to risk 5000 points.  But...if I could pay money for this monthly...yes please.

This is a pretty good deal.  The purse is really pretty.  I wouldn't spend 10,000 points on it though.

I want this!  I want it so badly.  But I would have to spend another $2000 to get it and that's just not in my budget right now :(

Are you interested in any of these neat point promos?

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